In tennis, you need a stroke that you can always rely on. In training, it is therefore very important to develop a killer stroke that helps you out of difficult situations. In this video I show you tennis drills for one of the most important but also most difficult rackets of all: the backhand down the line winner. In the exercises shown, we intentionally set the target area far to the outside in order to play even more precisely.

The backhand down the line should be hit as fast as possible and be profitable. Since the net is higher on the outside than in the middle, the backhand down the line ball must be hit especially flat over the net. The danger of a net ball is therefore given. Therefore, the backhand longline must be used tactically wisely and not too hastily. For more backhand drills I recommend my videos “30 Tennis Backhand Drills For Advanced Players” and “10 Tennis Backhand Slice Games – Competive Practice“. Have fun trying them out.

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