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Tips for Tennis Coordination Drills

Tennis Drills For Large Kids Groups

When it comes to tennis training with children in large groups, there are some important things to consider. First and foremost, it is important that the trainers have a high level of pedagogical skill in order to make the lessons appealing and motivating. In doing so, they should be able to adapt to the needs of the children and respond to individual needs and interests.

Another important aspect is the organization and structuring of the training. It is important that the children are divided into groups of similar age and ability level to ensure appropriate encouragement and challenge. At the same time, the groups should not be too large to allow for individual attention and correction.

In addition, it is important that tennis training with children in large groups focuses on the fun of the sport. Here, playful elements and competitions can be incorporated to keep the children motivated and interested. In addition to the aspects mentioned above, the safety of the children during training should also be ensured. In this regard, trainers should pay attention to appropriate equipment and a safe training environment.

Overall, it is important that tennis training with children in large groups is well structured, pedagogically appealing and motivating, with a focus on the fun of the sport.